All The Juicy Posts
Monthly Archives: September 2014
What is Marketing Automation?
Imagine how your marketing investments would multiply if you captured and courted EVERY LEAD that you generated, even the ones that don’t seem to be in the market for what you sell. If you spend a fair amount of time on the interwebs, you’ve probably started to see some buzz about “marketing automation.” This post will give you a basic understanding on what that means.
What Google Wants: Overview
You’ve undoubtedly heard about how you can optimize your web pages for search terms, but my guess is that you’ve only been exposed to tactical tips and tricks that can get you incremental results at best. To fully take advantage of search engine traffic, you have to start from a strategic standpoint. And to do that, you need to know what Google wants to find when it visits your website.
2017 Juicy Results Vivid Vision
The Vivid Vision is a tool used by numerous fast growing companies including 1-800-GOT-JUNK, which used Vivid Visions to grow from a few million in revenue to over 100 million in revenue. It’s a detailed description of what the company looks like roughly three years from today. Our latest Vivid Vision details our vision of Juicy Results in 2017.
Turn Every Client Into Three Clients
I want to share our one-phrase growth strategy, explain what that means and why your company should have one. I learned about a one-phrase strategy, alternatively referred to as a strategy statement, from Verne Harnish and EO Accelerator Program. I then noticed the same idea in several Jim Collin’s articles about great companies.