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Juicy Posts in Blog

  • January 17 2011

    Satisfaction Is A Moving Target

    If you operate a business where customer service matters—and I think that’s just about any business—then I highly recommend Harry Beckwith’s books. He wrote a series of amazing books in the nineties aimed at service businesses around the concept of delighting your customers and shaping wonderful client experiences.

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  • January 4 2011

    Small Business Internet Marketing Resolutions for 2011

    Now that you’ve experienced major success with your Internet marketing endeavors in 2010 and your small business is breaking sales records, we can focus on how to maximize the value of all those new customer relationships. Wait, what’s that? You didn’t experience that kind of success last year?

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  • December 16 2010

    6 Conversion Strategies Learned from My Cat

    There will be no talk of sales funnels, conversion paths, A/B testing or the recommended size and color for buttons that will induce the most clicks. This is just a simple way to understand conversion strategy from one of the most intelligent of all mammals – the domestic house cat.

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  • November 14 2010

    Why Should I Engage in Social Media?

    I am now in the middle of my third week interning at Juicy Results. As a Graduate student studying Communications, I am quickly realizing the enormous size of the ever-expanding realm of Internet technology and the power it has come to have over the way we communicate today.

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  • September 22 2010

    Twitter lessons from one beginner to another

    I recently joined the team at Juicy Results and one of my duties is to interact with other small businesses and entrepreneurs across different social media channels. Our company goal is to reach 1,000 relevant followers – and I know what you are thinking – piece of cake!

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  • June 10 2010

    What is Content Syndication?

    Most people know what syndication means. We’ve all seen TV shows, listened to radio programs or read columns that are syndicated across several publishers. On the web, there are exponentially more media properties to distribute your content to, making the …

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  • July 5 2009

    Can customers right around the corner find you?

    Imagine this, you’re on a road trip trip to St. Augustine with the family, and the others in the car are starting to get hungry. You’re still a few hours away from the hotel, but you’re in a town you’ve …

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