Author Archives: Jeremy Pound

About Jeremy Pound

  • May 17 2011

    Broadcast your Business with Internet Video

    Video is one of the most effective tools we know of at turning website visitors into customers. Most businesses just aren’t sure what to promote in their videos. Here are some inspiring ways that you can win new customers by using video online.

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  • April 18 2011

    Get to Know YouTube Advertising

    I know a fair amount or small business owners don’t consider YouTube a business tool because their interaction with the site has been limited to high school kids spoofing TV shows and double rainbows sightings. In reality, a large number of people use YouTube to learn things.

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  • April 16 2011

    It’s Spring, Time To Clean Up Your Web Presence.

    I invite you to take a thorough look at your business’s web presence this year when you get the spring cleaning bug. To help organize your efforts, we’ve put together a checklist of items to review and clean up this year.

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  • March 10 2011

    7 Ways to Increase your Chances of Getting Lucky with Your Online Presence

    Back in 1978, the science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein penned the line, “if you don’t bet, you can’t win.”  This concept applies fittingly to internet marketing. After all, if you don’t have a web presence, then surely no-one will find you online.

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  • March 6 2011

    What is a content asset?

    Content assets are the cornerstone of content marketing on the web, and we use this term quite a bit. Recently I came to realize how much I was explaining what this term meant in meetings, so I thought I would …

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  • February 25 2011

    Is your homepage inviting and helpful for visitors? Or sending them away in droves?

    When we conduct a strategic analysis of an underperforming website, and we check into the site’s statistics, we often look at “bounces” to determine where an opportunity is being missed. A bounce is when a visitor arrives at a page, …

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  • February 3 2011

    How Often Can I Email My Customers?

    This Sunday, I came across a great article by Jay Goltz called “How Often Can You Send Email Promotions?” in the NY Times. It was no surprise to me that this discussion came up within his marketing planning meeting. However, it was refreshing to see the thought process unfold within his team as they tried to identify the sweet spot of how often to email their clients.

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  • January 17 2011

    Satisfaction Is A Moving Target

    If you operate a business where customer service matters—and I think that’s just about any business—then I highly recommend Harry Beckwith’s books. He wrote a series of amazing books in the nineties aimed at service businesses around the concept of delighting your customers and shaping wonderful client experiences.

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  • January 4 2011

    Small Business Internet Marketing Resolutions for 2011

    Now that you’ve experienced major success with your Internet marketing endeavors in 2010 and your small business is breaking sales records, we can focus on how to maximize the value of all those new customer relationships. Wait, what’s that? You didn’t experience that kind of success last year?

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  • June 10 2010

    What is Content Syndication?

    Most people know what syndication means. We’ve all seen TV shows, listened to radio programs or read columns that are syndicated across several publishers. On the web, there are exponentially more media properties to distribute your content to, making the …

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