Author Archives: Jeremy Pound

About Jeremy Pound

  • August 31 2016

    Automate Those Repetitve Tasks With Easy Buttons

    I’ve added a button to my contact record view labeled “Post Meeting Follow-Up.” Pressing this button runs a script that automatically sends an email and schedules a task for me the next day. This ensures that I actually remember to take action on this account tomorrow in case I get buried before the day ends. Often, I’ll have the next steps taken care of before tomorrow, but this reminder acts as my safety net.

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  • August 24 2016

    Use Your CRM to Identify Stuck Deals

    Do people at your company compare your sales meetings to a proctologist exam? It doesn’t have to be that way. Use this one CRM report to transform your sales team’s productivity… and your relationship with them.

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  • August 18 2016

    Did You Get My Email?

    Few people realize they are sitting on a tool that will eliminate one of the greatest modern day sales frustrations. Just about every CRM on the market tracks when your sales emails are opened—and I’m not just talking about marketing email blasts, I mean each individual follow up and proposal. Let me show you in this quick video!

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  • August 9 2016

    Double Your Close Rate With FAT Deals

    Subscribe here to get these video tips in your inbox each week. I am going to show you how to double the close rate of your entire sales team with your CRM. It’s a very simple idea, but it takes …

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  • August 2 2016

    Visualizing Activity Quotas For Your Sales Team

    Subscribe here to get these video tips in your inbox each week. This is the initial video in our new weekly series that will feature powerful tips for using your CRM to grow your sales. In this video, Jeremy explains …

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  • August 11 2015

    The Marketing Benefits of Juicy Bits

    I wanted to address the question everybody’s been asking me. Why spend all this time doing Juicy Bits? There’s actually two reasons why we decided to make the investment in Juicy Bits: education and content. The Juicy Bits series has provided unique and quality content to our SEO and social media marketing efforts.

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  • August 10 2015

    How To Use Periscope

    I’m going to give you some tips today for how to use Periscope when you’re marketing. When you start to market on Periscope you want to make sure that you take a lot of attention and time to name the broadcast something that people are going to want to watch. Because anytime I start live Periscoping, all of these people get a push notification on their phone if they’re following me.

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  • August 9 2015

    Raise Your Price

    I actually want to encourage you to raise the pricing of your products and services. That’s because pricing is a key element that we use to make subconscious decisions about products and services, just like the products name, the packaging it comes in, and even the people selling it to us.

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  • August 8 2015

    Test Your Marketing with Statistical Significance

    One of the best things about internet marketing that everybody knows is how easy it is to test everything, but what I find is that most people give up on their tests way too prematurely. You want to make sure you accumulate enough data to actually be able to accurately judge any landing page, banner ad or website that you launch.

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  • August 7 2015

    Using Buyer Personas

    Most companies start marketing to everybody; they have not clearly defined who their perfect customer is. In marketing we have a tool called the buyer’s persona, which is a fictional representation of our ideal client. This should actually be based on someone you actually do business with, if possible. You may have met your perfect customer and if you put down on paper it’s going to help you find more people like them.

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