Author Archives: Jeremy Pound

About Jeremy Pound

  • January 23 2015

    Advanced Keyword Selection for Websites with Existing Rankings

    No matter where you are, no SEO effort should begin (or reset) without strategically deciding which keywords you want to rank for. Additionally, If you already have a decent presence in search engines, then we recommend one very useful step to the basic process of keyword identification.

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  • January 19 2015

    People Buy Identities, Not Products

    Every day, when making decisions about where to eat, who our accountant will be, which mode of transportation to use, or even which bottle of water to pick up at the convenience store, we are subconsciously building our own internal self image.

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  • January 8 2015

    Selecting The Right Keywords For Your SEO Campaign

    There is no surer way to fail than an ambiguous or unrealistic definition of success; yet that is what I find most companies have when it comes to their SEO initiatives. Use this free worksheet to develop your own keyword target list for your company.

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  • December 4 2014

    Why Should I do Business With You?

    When meeting with clients to discuss their marketing initiatives, I often find that they don’t have a clear value proposition, benefits statement or any type of compelling offer that will get a prospect’s attention. At some point, I simply ask “why should I do business with you?”

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  • November 29 2014

    When Your Customers Are Ready to Buy… Will They Find You?

    As sales managers, marketers and business owners, we’re always chasing new leads—especially leads that are ready to buy. But, if you’re only showing up when a customer is ready to buy, you’re losing ground quickly to competitors.

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  • November 21 2014

    Using Marketing Automation With Social Media: Part II

    As I mentioned in part I of this article, social media can be a powerful tool in automating your marketing–a tool that I think it is underused by most companies. Now let’s dive into a couple of ways to acquire new leads via social media.

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  • November 11 2014

    The Secret Formula to Generating Leads Online

    We’ve put together a fast paced executive presentation to demonstrate our unique philosophy and approach to generating leads online. In order to increase sales in any business, you must continually be filling the sales funnel with quality leads. But doing so can be expensive and difficult.

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  • November 10 2014

    Using Marketing Automation With Social Media

    When you think marketing automation, I bet you think email. And email campaigns are a great way to nurture leads at scale over time. But social media can also be a powerful tool in automating your marketing–a tool that I think it is underused by most companies.

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  • October 31 2014

    What is Lead Scoring?

    Lead scoring is the methodology of applying a dynamic score to contacts that signifies the perceived value or likelihood of that customer buying. Using a scoring system across a high number of leads allows your salespeople to decide who to contact as well as helping your marketing department make data-driven decisions.

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  • October 23 2014

    Avoid This Common SEO Pitfall On Your Blog

    I would say that the most common mistake I find when we audit a company’s website is that their blog is hosted on a subdomain—such as—or even on an entirely different domain—such as

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